Immigration & Naturalization Law
Assisting Immigrant Victims of Trafficking To Obtain Legal Status
T Visas Victims of Trafficking
The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 provides 5000 visas each year who have been trafficking victims to obtain nonimmigrant status and remain here in the U.S. The purpose of the T-1 visa is to protect victims of human trafficking, the sex trade or forced labor, who are physically present in the U.S. as the result of the trafficking process. In addition, immediate family members of the principal applicants may be admitted to the U.S. by showing that they would suffer extreme hardship if they were not allowed to join the applicant. If you think that you may, or someone you know, have been victims of trafficking, including being forced to work in a garment factory, prostitution ring, on a farm, or in a factory/manufacturing plant, please contact the Houston T Visa For Trafficking Victim Attorneys at the Law Offices of Steven Tuan Pham.. We can help!
T Visa Requirements
INA Section 101(a)(15)(T) enumerates requirements for T Visa Applicants. To qualify, the applicant must demonstrate that he/she is a victim of “severe trafficking” as defined under 22 U.S.C. Section 7102, including the use of force, fraud, coercion, for sex trafficking and involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. Second, the victim must be presently in the U.S. or its territorial jurisdiction. Third, the person must be compliance with local law enforcement authorities in the investigation and prosecution of the perpetrator(s) (not mandatory if the victim is under the age of 18). Finally, the person must show that he or she would surfer “extreme hardship” involving unusual and severe harm if he or she were to be removed from the U.S.
If the victim is 18 but is less than 21 years of age, spouses, parents, children, and unmarried siblings that are under the age of 18 may also be filed as dependents (either in the U.S or with the U.S. Consular office in the home country once the T visa is approved). If the victims are 21 years of age or more, then only spouses and children may be filed as dependents. Children of trafficking victims qualify as “Age Out,” if the trafficking victim’s child turned 21 during the application process (i.e. the child still qualified as a dependent). Further, the annual limitations of 5,000 visas only apply to the principal applicant and do not apply to dependents.
Green Cards For Trafficking Victims
The T-Visa application may not be denied on the basis that the applicant is likely to be a “public charge,” and depends on government assistance. As such, the green card application (Application for Adjustment of Status) may not be denied based on this basis. If approved, the applicant will receive T Visa Status and remain in the U.S. for 4 years. 90 days prior to the expiration of the T-visa, trafficking victims may be able to file for adjustment of status to become a permanent resident and receive green cards. Please contact the Houston T Visa Trafficking Victim Attorneys and the Houston Trafficking Victim Lawyers at the Law Offices of Steven Tuan Pham..
Immigration Law is a vast area of law and requires an immigration attorney with years of experience to understand the intricacies of the Immigration & Nationality Law. In addition, the USCIS and U.S. Consular Offices are keen to scrutinize the Applicants’ qualifications under T Visas, especially the “severe trafficking” requirement. Although the support letters from other non-profit organizations, churches, or other religious institutions are not required, we find having such supporting letters may render favorable adjudications. Please contact the Houston T Visa For Trafficking Attorneys and the Houston T Visa Trafficking Victim Lawyers to ensure proper documentations to show that you have met all requirements stated above. Please contact the Houston Immigration Attorneys and the U.S. Texas T Visa Immigration Lawyers at the Law Offices of Steven Tuan Pham. today at 713-517-6645 or complete our Contact Form.
Serving Clients in Houston, West Houston, Southwest Houston, Sugar Land, Katy, Copperfield, Memorial, Spring, Northwest Houston, Northchase, Spring Cypress, Champion Forest, The Woodlands, Kingwood, Humble, Lake Houston, Midtown, Memorial, West Oaks, Royal Oaks, Clear Lake, League City, Westchase Business District, Harris County, and Galveston County.

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